Create a Vault
Click on the plus sign on the left side of the app to start the vault creation process. Once you have done this, the interface will take you through an easy-to-use interface to help you customize your vault.
Some examples of fields that you can customize include:
Vault name
Vault symbol
Denomination asset (Deposits will be accepted in this asset and performance fees will be benchmarked against this)
Management fee (More info here)
Performance fee (More info here)
Entrance fee
Exit fee
Fee splitter (allows users to split fees between different parties programatically. Email if you'd like to use this feature)
Depositor whitelist (yes, no, restricted to n addresses)
Depositor minimum, maximum
Share transferability rules (Allowed, not allowed, restricted to a set of addresses)
Redemption rules
Redeem in kind
Redeem up to a certain pre-defined amount in a pre-defined asset
Shares lock up period (recommended at least 24h, see Risks & Nuances)
Last updated