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Enzyme has a suite of automation tools and services to help projects get started. These include:

31 third

31 Third have developed advanced multi-asset trading capabilities on Enzyme. Their adapter allows managers of an Enzyme vault to find optimised trading routes for atomic multi-assets swap. In such a multi-asset swap, the vault manager simultaneously sells any selection of assets that the vault currently holds and buys any other desired assets (or the same assets but with different weights). In particular, this solution allows a manager of an index-like vault to regularly rebalance their vault into a target allocation with very little effort (or even completely automated using Enzyme’s custom automations).

Custom DeFi Automations

If you'd like to generate a more sophisticated strategy that involves interacting with DeFi protocols and are don't have the skillset or technical capacity to build it in house, get in touch with our team to help you write the automations quickly and accelerate your time to market.

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